
Do I need permission?

Whether permission is required for work to your property will depend on a number of factors. In particular:

What is Listed Building Consent?

Listed building consent is a type of planning control, which protects buildings of special architectural or historical interest. These controls are in addition to any planning regulations which would normally apply. The controls apply to any works for the demolition of a listed building, or for its alteration or extension, which is likely to affect its character as a building of special architectural or historical interest. This applies to the exterior and interior of the property, outbuildings and boundary walls.

Alterations including changes to windows or doors, or installing double glazing, are always likely to require listed building consent.

Applying for Listed Building Consent

For an application for listed building consent, you will be required to provide as a minimum:

  • Location plan which shows the site area and its surrounding context. This can be purchased online from the Planning Portal's accredited supplier either as part of the application process, or separately, and then attached to the application.
  • Site Plan (sometimes known as a block plan) which shows the proposed development in detail and can be purchased from the Portal’s accredited supplier, location plan and heritage assessment.
  • A written explanation of the proposed works. This can take several forms, depending on the complexity of the project. It is sometimes called a heritage statement or a design and access statement. As a minimum it should include: An assessment of the impact of the works on the significance of the building (statement of significance)
  • A statement of justification explaining why the works are required (heritage impact assessment/heritage statement)
  • A method statement explaining how the work will be done.

What works need consent?

Routine maintenance is unlikely to require Listed Building Consent, but repairs may do.

The table below shows how consents may vary depending on different tasks you may carry out to timber framed windows.

 Type of Work?  Repairing a broken window pane Restring sashes Replacing timber window frames
Will it affect the special character of the property/area? Unlikely Unlikely Likely
Is LBC likely to be required? Unlikely Unlikely Likely


Planning permission may also be required for works involving the external alteration/extension of a listed building, where works affect the character of the building. This may include re-painting.


In this situation, a full planning application or householder planning application and listed building consent will need to be submitted.


There is no fee for a listed building consent application. Herefordshire Council is the local planning authority for Leominster, and will determine planning and listed building consent applications. 

Decisions are made within 8 weeks of the application being validated by the local authority, inclusive of a 21-day consultation period where neighbours and interested parties can comment on the proposal. Granted consent lasts for 3 years, so any works need to be started within that time.

You can apply online or download the relevant application from the Herefordshire Council website.

Carrying out unauthorised works to a listed building is a criminal offence and individuals can be prosecuted!