Choosing our logo: HCA Student Design Commission

We commissioned design students from Hereford College of Arts to come up with the logo for the Cultural Consortium.

Our brief was our project title 'Leominster Roars.' The Lion imagery is well-known around the town and represents Leominster’s origins, linking to the 7th century legend of St Edfrith, and also Leofric, Earl of Hereford, Leominster’s 11th Century namesake. The Cultural Consortium has run with the lion theme to represent the roar of activity, inspiration and mighty voices of Leominster which we hope to capture and unleash.

Associated words: vibrant, unexpected, energy, alive, quirky, collective, colourful

The students took the brief really seriously, several of them visiting Leominster especially in order to get a feel for the town. The pandemic means that students have had reduced opportunities to meet clients face-to-face, and it was a pleasure to give them a taste of working with a real-life client and a proper brief as practice.

We were delighted with the variety, creativity and skill of the logos the students came up with and feel lucky to meet these talented designers at the beginning of their careers.

Here are profiles of the students along with their designs, starting with our winner, Elise D'Arcy, whose design we felt most closely represented both heritage and a lively sense of energy and fun.









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