The Crown and Our Town: Leominster celebrates the coronation

Leominster celebrated the coronation in typical quirky independent style with a ten day exhibition at Leominster Priory, and a Community Service. 

50 community groups, including Leominster Cultural Consortium members, contributed to the exhibitions, led by Leominster Priory and Leominster Museum. We counted a total of 1500 people in all involved in making the individual exhibits, which also showcased their own group activities. A team of volunteers hosted members of the public throughout the week, as well as groups from the local primary schools.

The exhibition explored all of the interactions Leominster has had with the crown, good and bad, and included the founding of Leominster Priory by Edfrith during the time of King Merewald, Henry VIII dissolving the monasteries, Queen Mary granting Leominster Market rights, King Charles hiding in an oak tree whilst on the run throughout the region, George V's coronation and more. 

Outgoing Mayor Trish Marsh opened the exhibition:

Throughout the week, About Face Theatre Company performed to selected coronation tea parties:

On Sunday, a Community Service rounded everything off. The two hour extravanganza included seven choirs, a band and speeches from historical characters, attended by special guests the Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire Edward Harley and his wife Victoria. The audience was encouraged to wear hats as part of the celebration, and even the Leominster Lion obliged, modelling a snazzy top hat for the occasion.



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